Energy and Climate Change

(i) Policy Dialogue on Tracking Climate Change Finance

With support from OXFAM, PROBICOU carried out capacity building for the members of civil society and government on climate change financing. Stabilizing the global climate is one of the most urgent challenges in the coming decades.
Global warming affects all people and ecosystems particularly the poor who already suffer disproportionately from climate change impacts. The major financial investments from both public and private sources guided by smart and equitable sources are required to transform the World’s economy to a low- carbon path, reduce green house gases concentrations to safe levels and build the resilience of vulnerable communities.
Against this back ground, PROBICOU in partnership with UEEF organized a dialogue on Climate change financing on 9th December, 2014 at Emerald Hotel in Kampala. The dialogue aimed at building the capacity of CAN-Uganda members in Climate financing.
The workshop was conducted using a combination of approaches including presentations, plenary discussions, and experience sharing. The workshop was attended by over 50 representatives purposively selected and invited from; government departments, the academia and civil society. The selection of the participants was based on a purposive procedure, because it gives priority to key stakeholders that are directly involved and/ or concerned with the activity, sector or process in relation to decision making.